Thursday, April 16, 2020

Kuppai meni or Indian Acalypha as a food and medicine

Kuppaimeni is a herb available in our surrounding. According to the Sanskrit texts it's named as 'Marjala mohini'. This herb iss widely used in siddha system of medicine for treatment of various diseases.

BOTANICAL NAME: Acalypha indica

SYNONYMS:   Arimanjari, Poonaivanangi, Meni

PARTS USED: Leaves, Roots, Whole plant

TASTE: Bitter, Pungent

ACTIONS:       Anodyne (A medicine that gives relief from pain), Anthelmintic, Cathartic, Diuretic, Emetic, Expectorant, Emmenagogue.                


1.      Kuppaimeni can be taken along with our food or as our food which prevents Vatha  complaints. (Thimir vatham)

2.      Leaf juice / Decoction (Kudineer)  can be given to children in a dose of 4-16 ml according to the age and  for adults 15-30 ml. It will acts as purgative and emetic, will remove phlegm in the chest and cure worm infestation

3.      Leaf powder 950 – 1300mg is taking it cures respiratory problems like cough.

4.      Leaf mixed with salt / Turmeric, grind and applied on the scabies & itching part.

5.      It is mixed with salt and juice is extracted. This can be used for in the treatment of Psychiatric illness.

6.      It can be used as a Kalpa medicine. It is said that it has 'Gold' element in it.

7.      Leaves are put in the heated castor oil and taken. This can be taken for '1 mandalam as Kalpa medicine. This removes kapha complaints along with vatham, gives body strength.

8.      Roots are grinded into a paste and given in a dose of Areca nut seed size mixed with water for 3 days to remove rat poison.(Note:   Salt restricted diet.)

It produce vomiting and purgation.

9.      Leaf juice can be applied on forehead for headache.

10.  Leaf is grinded and rolled as a small ball can be used for enema.

11.  Leaf powder can be applied on bed sores to kill the germs.


Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Medicinal uses of Tulsi (Holy Basil, sacred Basil) – Occimum Sanctum

Medicinal uses of Tulsi (Holy Basil, sacred Basil) – Occimum Sanctum

The plant is mostly used in India by the Hindu religious people. They use the leaves of this plant for various rituals like, making garlands for deity, praising the deity by submitting it in front if the idol, put it in the water and used it as the sacred water etc. the Hindu women used to place the leaves on their hair as an ornamental article.

The plant is famous for its aroma. There are several species of the plant seen world wide. The plant has a pungent taste and hot potency. The leaves and seeds of the plant are used medicinally, which have stimulant, expectorant, diaphoretic and demulcent actions.

As siddha system of medicine is concerned it is used in the treatment of mental diseases, sinusitis and related complaints and even in fever. Generally concerned it will cure the vatha and kapha disorders.

Medicinal recipes with tulsi

Ø The commonest use of basil is for cough and cold.

ؠؠA handful of basil leaves are put in water and boiled well. The steam from this is used for inhalation. The body is also exposed to the steam. This treatment is easy to do and will give a sudden relief from the cough and cold.

Ø In the Hindu temples there is a custom that these leaves are put in fresh water and this water is used as the Holy water (Theertham). The use of this water will cure the phlegm in the chest besides the spiritual benefits.

ؠؠThe seed are useful in diseases pertaining to women.

Seeds are ground with fresh cold water and applied over the lower abdomen, which will relieve the postpartum pain (Pain after the child birth).

ؠؠFresh juice of basil can be given in a dose of 30 ml for the worm infestation in the intestine.

ؠؠDecoction for generalized body pain and mild fever.

One handful of basil and Bermuda grass and one teaspoon full of black pepper powder are taken. One liter of water is added to this and boiled till it reduced to 250 ml. this decoction can be taken in lukewarm.


Dr vivek Andrews
PH: 9037814167
Medical Officer, AYUSH Primary Health Center (Siddha),Parassala